

Digital Platforms

Platform businesses dominate the digital economy and are rapidly expanding to new sectors and industries. However, each new platform faces a difficult journey from a great idea to its widespread adoption.

Dynamics works with startups, established firms, and venture capital funds design products taking advantage of network effects, strategies maximizing growth, optimization of pricing/governance structures, and platforms competition dynamics.

Telecommunications is the infrastructure over which the whole digital economy is built upon.

Dynamics has experience working on mergers, spectrum auctions and management, network sharing agreements, regulator consultations, strategic planning, among other areas of the telecom sectors, for private firms (MNOs, TowerCos, cable company, etc.) and regulators.

Media is being highly disrupted from multiple sides: social media, content economy, new business models, big tech, fake news, and regulations.

Dynamics has worked with media conglomerates, governments, and international associations, helping them understand the current landscape, design strategies, and interact effectively with government and key players.

Blockchain, be it crypto per se or the wider Web 3.0 ecosystem, has the potential to disrupt business and industries, but its widespread adoption will hinge on the technical capacities of this technology and its embedded incentive systems.

Dynamics has contributed to the design of better incentive systems for blockchain applications and can help businesses and governments navigate this complex new technology and its use cases.

The digital revolution is generating a new wave of antitrust and regulation given that established tools and processes are proving inefficient in this new world. Regulation and competition policy innovation is required but it poses serious challenges for agencies and firms alike.

Dynamics has experience working in merges, conduct cases, market investigations and public policy reports, for established companies, startups, law firms and governmental agencies.